Prostrate Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Possible way to Prevent it

Prostrate cancer

Prostrate Cancer: Causes, Symptoms and Possible way to Prevent it

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men. Anatomically, the prostate gland is a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. The prostate secretes fluid that nourishes, protects and transports human sperm.
Prostate cancer is the enlargement and growth of cancerous cells that occur in men’s prostate. The prostate cancer grows slowly and initially remains confined in the prostate gland where it may cause serious harm. Some types of prostate cancer may need minimal or no treatment but other types are aggressive and can spread quickly.

Prostrate Cancer comes in stages

Stage 1 Early stage of prostate cancer. At this stage, it is confined to a small area of the prostate.

The third Stage. At this stage, it becomes larger and may move and affect both sides of glands.

Stage 3 Here, cancer has spread beyond the prostate to the seminal vesicle or other nearby tissues.

Final Stage is the 4th stage. This is the last stage. When it gets to this stage, the cancer has grown to invade nearby organs such as bladder or spread to lymph node, bones or other parts.

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There are no clear causes of prostate cancer but some are hereditary which means, one could get it if one has a history of prostate or breast cancer in the family. It normally occurs when cells in the prostate develop changes in DNA, the accumulated abnormal cells form a tumor that grow to invade nearby tissues.


Persons of Older ages such as men aged 50 and above are at risk of prostate cancer.

Research has it that Race is also a factor. Black people have greater risk of suffering the disease.

Family History history. If anybody in the family, blood relative are diagnosed there is an increase rate.

People who have obesity are at higher risk.


At the very early stage, it shows no signs and symptom but in advanced stage it manifests with the following;

Trouble urinating

Decreased force in stream of urine.

Blood in urine

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Bone pain

Blood in semen

Losing weight

Erectile dysfunction


Prostrate cancer falls under mestastesias, which means that its cancer that spreads. It spreads to nearby organs, such as bladder or bone. There is also incontinence and erectile dysfunction.


Digital rectal exam.

Prostate specific antigen test.


Magnetic resonance imaging.


Radiation therapy.

Hormone therapy: used to stop the body from producing the male hormone testosterone.

Surgery: to remove the prostate.


Biological therapy which is use of the body immune system to fight cancer.


Choose a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetable.

Avoid high fat foods.

Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Choose healthy fruits and supplement.

Exercise most days of the week.

Maintain a healthy weight.

Talk to your doctor about increased risk of prostate cancer.

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Coping with prostate cancer and support

When a diagnosis of prostate cancer is made, it is accompanied with disbelief fear, depression and aggression.

Try to learn about prostate cancer to feel comfortable making treatment decision.

Keep friends and family close.

Connect with other cancer survivors.

Take care of yourself.

Continue sexual expression.

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